Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ice Cream & Cake & Cake!!

This is my favorite commercial EVER!! and in honor of the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving, here is a special treat.
Enjoy and Bust a Move:)

Frosted Cupcakery!

So I was in the Hollywood neighborhood and finally made it to Frosted Cupcakery.
I tried the Strawberry Cream Cheese, Pumpkin Cream Cheese, Chocolate Cookies and Cream and the Royal White with Nutella Buttercream. All freaking delish! Your salivating right? Because I low key am...  
They also have flavors of the month; November is Bacon Cornbread with Honey Buttercream. Sounds a little wacky but i just might try it! Located on Highland Ave.
Add this to your list of MUSTS kiddies :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bottega Louie

OMG, I have found my restaurant soulmate.. Food Amazing! & Dessert beyond Amazing!!!! It is located in DTLA on 7th & grand. If you haven't been you are truly missing out. & all your desserts come in these adorable boxes, cute right?!
So below are the delicious delectables I assortment of macrons (lemon, vanilla, salted caramel, pumpkin & pistachio which didn't make it in the shoot) yum :) I also got a mini cheesecake. I live for this restaurant!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!!

So today is my birthday!! Yay me. And yesterday I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy cupcakes or make them myself but ended up having to do neither.. My dad surprised me with cake (another one of my faves) Today was a good day *in my best ice cube voice*
I hope yours was as well!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cover up!

Shame on me!

I have not posted in awhile. tisk tisk... I've gone on a diet since the last time i made a post, which unfortunately meant drastically cutting down on the sweets :(

BUT tomorrow is my birthday (i will be 23) so im thinking F it, ill eat what i want which is... duh duh na nuhn, TONS OF CUPCAKES!! just trying to decided if i should make my own or just buy some... decisions, decisions

Well what ever i decide i'll post pictures of course!
Happy Thursday to you all

Friday, April 29, 2011


I'm thinking that's an appropriate name for this vanilla mocha cupcake with cream cheese frosting & brown sugar topping. Just substitute the water for coffee & add a teaspoon of extra vanilla! It has a subtle coffee after taste but is probably not strong enough for the die-hard, cup of black coffee drinkers. Still working on that one, definitely chocolate & maybe some Bailey's! Yum :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sexy like a chocolate strawberry!

Ok well there isn't any chocolate involved, although thinking about it now that might not be a bad idea :) Anywho, here is my interpretation of a Strawberry Shortcake or in my mind a Strawberry "Shawt" Cake (since I'm suppose to be applying corky names to all of these cupcakes I come up with) What do we think of the name? Yay or Nay??

Uh Oh Oreos!

So who doesn't love Oreos? I definitely do and Kendra introduced me to an Oreo cupcake recipe from that I further modified. This is one of my favorite cupcake flavors and the yellow cake mix with the Golden Oreo is just as amazing as the chocolate!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Birthday!

In honor of my friend Aaron's birthday, which was technically yesterday, I decided to make him cupcakes. Instead of doing all plain chocolate on chocolate (cake mix I made from scratch, a first) I made a vanilla mint icing & a mocha icing just for variety. Extra garnish: Oreo crumbs & mini chocolate chips.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Suite 106 Cupcakery

Yesterday I found a cupcakery at Victoria Gardens & couldn't resist trying them out. I got a pumpkin pie (i think that was the name) & a cookies & creams. Both were very good, although I enjoyed the pumpkin one the most. I also had a sample of the orange chiffon, DELISH. They had a few more flavors I want to try & a couple wild ones like pancakes & bacon (a little sketch). Overall I give them a thumbs up!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Crunchy and Sweet

Last week, Kendra (a bestie!) & I decided to make some cupcakes & ran across a new Duncan Hines fave called Butter Pecan. They can out absolutely DELICIOUS i tell you!! Light & fluffy as always, with a sweet after taste. The added pecans topped it off with the perfect crunch, just like a bowl of Butter Pecan ice cream.

A strawberry garnish  & a glass of champagne is all thats missing!

Winner's Prize

For my History of Fashion class last quarter i had a group project to present, which included a quiz at the end of the presentation to make sure the other students were paying attention. Anywho, the winner's prize were cupcakes (of course). 
The top 3 were Cookies & Cream with Oreo crumbs on top, Vanilla on Vanilla, Chocolate on Chocolate, then Vanilla on Chocolate with mini Chocolate chips on top! Gone by the end of class. A better alternative to a handful of candy, don't you think?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Funny Little Valentine...

So i'm new to this blogging thing and although Valentine's Day has come and gone, i still wanted to post the Vday cupcake creations i made for my friends this year. Starting with the mini's!!
Aren't they adorable?? I love making cupcake for any reason, any time and especially for holidays. The larger cupcakes came out just as adorable but the mini were definitely my fave :)

The Domo Mini cake and Panda Cupcake where made for my roommate. I got the pandas from the Hello Cupcake book, and had tons of fun decorating these cupcakes the night before Valentine's Day. Although cutting the oreos in halves for the panda arms was a little tricky!