Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!!

So today is my birthday!! Yay me. And yesterday I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy cupcakes or make them myself but ended up having to do neither.. My dad surprised me with cake (another one of my faves) Today was a good day *in my best ice cube voice*
I hope yours was as well!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cover up!

Shame on me!

I have not posted in awhile. tisk tisk... I've gone on a diet since the last time i made a post, which unfortunately meant drastically cutting down on the sweets :(

BUT tomorrow is my birthday (i will be 23) so im thinking F it, ill eat what i want which is... duh duh na nuhn, TONS OF CUPCAKES!! just trying to decided if i should make my own or just buy some... decisions, decisions

Well what ever i decide i'll post pictures of course!
Happy Thursday to you all